What is the PASCAL Center?

The Professional and Scholar Communities Applied Learning (PASCAL) Center works to develop, advance, and steward scholarship communities and professional development at Mines. The PASCAL Center directly manages scholarship communities, promotes and programs professional development opportunities with campus partners, and meaningfully engages with alumni and donors. Our center’s efforts advance Mines@150 aspirations to actively support community, scholarship, professional development, engagement and applied learning for all students at Mines.

Supporting the Mines Student Signature Experience

The PASCAL Center advances and supports Mines@150 initiatives through the following focuses:

student and prof sitting and talking on sofa

Engaging Scholarship Communities

The PASCAL Center stewards several scholarship communities and provides students with intentional programming and opportunities for professional and academic development.  Learn More.

prof helping student at computer

Stewardship of the VIP Program

The Vallejo-Irvine Program for Professional Development aims to supplement Mines students’ technical skills with professional development opportunities that will teach them to successfully navigate their careers.  Learn More.

PASCAL CenterWho Are Our Scholars?


Students of Color


Female Students


First Gen Students


CO Residents

A Note From PASCAL 

A picture of the PASCAL Center team in front of a background image of Mt. Zion.The Professional and Scholar Communities Applied Learning (PASCAL) Center works in service to the development, advancement, and support of scholarship communities and professional development efforts at Mines.

The PASCAL Center focuses on three broad efforts: direct management of scholarship communities at Mines; institutional support, guidance, and proliferation of professional development programming with campus partners; and stewardship via engagement with alumni, donors, and the Mines Foundation. These efforts align the PASCAL Center’s mission with the MINES@150 campaign to increase student success and affinity to Mines and promote opportunities for professional development.

Partnership and collaboration are essential to our MINES@150 aspirations and to PASCAL’s efforts. We want to partner with our alumni, our institutional partners, campus colleagues, and students. Please take time to review our website and express interest if you’re interested in learning more about PASCAL and/or supporting our efforts. Our team is in service to you, and we hope to hear from you or see you at our upcoming programs.

PASCAL Center Team

Quick Facts

13 Scholar Communities—and growing!

More than 300 students currently participating

$5,032,692 in total aid awarded in 2023-24

In The Spotlight

Orediggers Are In Demand

President Johnson discusses how the “Signature Student Experience” can help to prepare students for eventual careers.  Read More.

A Head Start for the Work Place

Learn more about the VIP Program and the vision for professional development at Mines.  Read More.

Ensuring future Oredigger success through professional development and scholarly communities.